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Nxt-ID, Inc. Announces Investor Webcast to Discuss the Financial Results for the Nine and Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 and to Provide a General Corporate Update (09-19 04:55) Nxt-ID, Inc. names Vincent S. Miceli as new Chief Executive Officer 查看即時nxt-id inc圖表以追踪其股票的價格行為。查找市場預測,nxtd財務和市場新聞。
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Nxt-ID, Inc. Announces Investor Webcast to Discuss the Financial Results for the Nine and Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 and to Provide a General Corporate Update (09-19 04:55) Nxt-ID, Inc. names Vincent S. Miceli as new Chief Executive Officer NXTD-NXT-ID股票行情,NASDAQ:NXTD股票价格,图表,新闻 - … 微牛提供nxt-id nxtd历史股票价格,深入市场分析,实时股票报价数据,深度图表和完整构建的财务报表,让您乐享科技,乐享 NXT-ID Inc. (NXTD) 股價、報價、記錄及新聞 - Yahoo 財經 查看最新的 nxt-id inc. (nxtd) 股票報價、記錄、新聞及其他重要資訊,助你賣買股票及投資。 Nxt-ID, Inc. (nxtd) - sina Daniel P. Sharkey: Daniel P. Sharkey is on the board of Nxt-ID, Inc. In the past Mr. Sharkey held the position of Executive Vice President-Business Development at ATMI, Inc., Vice President-Finance & Administration at BK Technologies, Inc. and Controller at CGX Corp. Mr. Sharkey received an undergraduate degree from College of the Holy Cross (Massachusetts).
*週末交易時間不包括從週六上午6點到下午4點的10個小時(新加坡標準時間),以及週一上午工作日市場開市前的20分鐘。詳情請見我們網站的產品詳情頁面和週末交易頁面。 如果您的累計倉位大於第1階梯,您的保證金要求不會 生物認證研發公司 NXT-ID Inc.(NXTD.US)為一家美國的行動裝置安全解決方案供應商,公司所提供的生物解決方案套組「MobileBio」,專注於日漸增長的行動商務市場,藉以保障用戶的手機平台,MobileBio主要係結合手機運算、行動商務、智慧型作業系統裝置等方面減輕用戶風險,可直接由預設裝置或遙控傳達 Nxt-ID, Inc. Announces Investor Webcast to Discuss the Financial Results for the Nine and Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 and to Provide a General Corporate Update (09-19 04:55) Nxt-ID, Inc. names Vincent S. Miceli as new Chief Executive Officer